General Contractors
Public Private Partnership (P3)
Public Private Partnership, or PPP, or P3 are complex in nature, and will require detail planning by parties involved well in advance. Due to the length of the concession, an operational strategy will be required to ensure the effectiveness of components such as equipment, staffing, systems, inventory, and processes.
Our advisors will assist you in developing strategies to build an effective operation which will not only satisfy compliance audits, but also ensures a long term & sustainable approach.
General Contractors
Mobilization Management
Mobilization into a new building is not an easy task. Frustrated occupants are often faced with lack of adequate service & construction deficiencies for a period of time which may be longer than a few months.
TorCan Advisors with an extensive mobilization and start up experience, will assist in preparing all the ingredients in order to have a smooth transition during move in period. We help develop call centre, preventative maintenance programs, standard operating procedures, and optimum staffing model.
General Contractors
Compliance Review
The long-term nature of P3 projects creates challenges with retaining large amounts of information over many years. With time, information may be discarded or lost, or recordkeeping practices may be poor or may change.
Our compliance auditors have specialized expertise in maintenance, procurement, payment mechanism, life cycle modelling, engineering, and contractual area. Our advisors examine each component against your contractual key performance indicators (KPIs) to provide you with a potential risk profile and mitigating approach.
General Contractors
Contingency & Business Continuity Planning
A well through business contingency planning and a robust contingency planning can minimize risks associated with unexpected events in facilities operations.
We work with your team to identify and mitigate potential risk areas by developing plans around labor, equipment, and processes.
General Contractors
Construction Deficiency Management
The attempt to Identify and mitigate construction and operational deficiencies starts early in the project. Majority of deficiencies should be rectified during the design, construction, and commissioning phases.
We will review the design and provide comment on maintainability, accessibility, and best practices. During construction and commissioning we will work with the construction company to validate quality installs.
General Contractors
Capital Planning & Life Cycle Management
Capital planning and life cycle management requires a thorough review as to how healthy the building and its equipment are. Rate of failures and building condition surveys should be taken into consideration when planning your capital budget.
TorCan advisors in collaboration with your maintenance team, will review your maintenance records, and perform building condition review to provide you with a robust capital plan annually.
General Contractors
Joint Technical Review
In most cases the building and its technical aspects are required to be reviewed by all parties every 5 years or so. This review will help track progress on asset condition against the allocated capital funding.
Our advisors with extensive knowledge of facilities and institutional equipment will evaluate the life cycle status for each building component and make recommendation accordingly.
General Contractors
Handback Evaluation
Each P3 building is expected to be returned to the corresponding authority in the original condition or better. Service providers get an opportunity to do final touch-ups during handback period, which normally ranges between 5-7 years prior to the end of concession.
Since this evaluation can be aligned with a joint technical review, our advisors will thoroughly survey the condition of building and relating equipment against performance indicators.
General Contractors
Operations Optimization
Optimization of any operations will require an integrated approach taking into consideration a number of determining factors. In some cases, changes in one area could adversely affect other area causing a substantial loss, so each implementation will need to be thoroughly examined.
Since optimization models are prescriptive in operations management, every aspect of your FM activities will be reviewed against the constraints, and best case scenarios will be recommended. Procurement processes, labor dynamics, maintenance practices are example of a few factors which our advisors will consider.